Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pictures from the 2008 Christmas season

We were plagued with illness all season long. Beginning in early September Jack caught everything you could imagine at his daycare, then passed it to me. The worst came in December when Jack caught a lower lobe pneumonia, which in turn gave me mild tachycardia for the next two weeks.

Despite all our woes we managed to have Christmas. The video of Christmas morning is entertaining to watch. I'm sick as a dog with the flu, and Jack is hanging on with double ear infections and pneumonia. The only one who came thru relatively unscathed was Belle.

2008 is over and it's a new year. Jack was yanked from Little Critters daycare and is now in home daycare. He is looked after by one of Belle's Filipino friends, Josie, who is fully licenced and has been doing daycare for 13 years or so. She only has five or six kids at a time and Jack loves it. He's healthy and happy and I'm finally over all of my afflictions, so we'll keep our fingers crossed.
That face says it all.