Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Jack Boy pictures are here just in time for Christmas

These were taken at his daycare by a professional studio based photographer that makes the rounds at daycare facilities in the area. We had no idea they had taken them until we picked Jack up one night and they blindsided us with the proofs.

The photographer could not get Jack to smile, but I think they came out great none the less. We have some very cute Christmas cards that are forthcoming. Check a mailbox near you.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Belle's Filipino support group welcomes Elisa

Belle belongs to a Filipino support group that makes new arrivals to America and Utah feel more comfortable. Last night we attended a party for a young woman named Elisa, who just got married. Her husband, Bill, is an American. He met her online, flew to Cebu, married her and brought her back to the states. Belle is also from Cebu as is her childhood friend Grace who lives just a few miles from us. It was a nice evening with great food as is always the case at these parties. Jack ate ham until it came out of his ears, also grapes and watermelon.

Top: Jack (by himself) Grace is on the Karaoke machine.

Middle: (the three Cebuano's) Belle, Grace and Elisa, oh yeah Jack too.

Bottom: Grace, her two kids, Bill and Elisa.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween 2008

Finally we can post our Halloween pictures. We lost the USB cord for our camera and have been unable to add pictures to our site. We all had a wonderful time at the Thanksgiving Point corn Maze and extravaganza. (I'm not sure what it was called so I made that up) Jack ran around and had a great time. Belle made sure he got his picture taken on every possible display and contraption.

The corn maze was fun for about 10 minutes, then it was just cold and dark. I had to surrender my jacket to Belle who unlike me was never a Boy Scout and therefore not prepared for the cold. We made the best of it by making jokes. I can't remember them all, but rest assured the witty banter and back and forth was what you might expect from Carson boys, use your imagination.

By the time we made it out of the corn maze Jack was cold and tired. I don't know why, all he did was sit in his Jack Pack, I did all the work. But never the less we decided to make our way home, where Jack promptly fell asleep. On Halloween night Jack had to stay home instead of trick or treating due to a cold. It's OK though, I don't think he really understands the whole trick or treat thing anyway. Maybe next year.

Special thanks to Adabelle and Heather for putting together the Halloween party. It was a very nice evening, we were happy to be there.

You can view the rest of the pictures in this series in the photo album below.

Haloween 2008